Saturday, October 13, 2012

One down, one to go

I finally caught my dad at home today and told him everything.  Phew, I was nervous....I first told him about the fertility doctor, and that we've been trying for a while and it wasn't going so well.  He joked and said, well when the time comes, you're not going to be the next octomom are you?  He always knows what to say to lighten the mood a little.  I never knew this, but he said he and my mom tried for about a year when they were stationed in Montauk when they first got married but nothing happend.  They then decided it wasn't really the right time anyway since they were so far from family, and then when they tried again once they were back in Michigan it happaned pretty quickly.

Like I said before, I know it's a cliche, but I really do think that sometimes life happens when you're busy doing other things.  I get his point...but of course when you're not ovulating it's difficult to try that method.  I can relax and put my mind on other things all I want, but since I haven't Od in almost a year, I'd say that's unlikely.  But I know my dad was just trying to help.

So then I told him about the miscarriage...he took it well, and he said you know you could have shared this with us at the time.  He wasn't mad or upset that I didn't, but he wanted me to know that I could have.  I explained why I didn't....he also said when it happens again, not to feel pressure to tell him at any time.  He said to wait until we are ready to share the news.  That made me feel good, but in all likihood we will probably only wait a few weeks to tell.  Like I said, I want people to know through the good and the bad.  He's retiring in a couple months and he said all he'll need is enough notice to clean out the spare room and paint it so it'll be ready for him to babysit :)  He said he picked up another crib the other day....yes, another, as in he already has one.  It sounds like he is jinxing me into having twins, lol.

I'm really glad I told him, it is a huge weight off my shoulders.  My dad is the best, he somehow always knows how to be there for you when you need it.  So next weekend I'm going to tell my mother-in-law....I'll be nervous for that too, but I know she'll be really supportive too.

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