Tuesday, March 4, 2014

What a day- 37 wks 5 days

 First, I ran across an thread on the bump talking about the horror stories of using Cytotec for inductions.  I thought to myself, wow I'm glad they'll be using Misoprostol for me, but then I decided to google.  Yep, same thing.  So then I spent a while googling and finding scary story after scary story...of course all from blogs, baby websites and even a lawyer website (yeah, what was I thinking) but they got to me. 

Basically they were saying it's this horrible drug that can cause both fetal and maternal death.  So I talked to my doctor about it and first she jokingly scolded me for googling and believing stuff online.  She assured me it is safe and the only thing they use for cervical ripening (my hospital doesn't use Cervadil) and she reminded me that all births, no matter how routine and natural carry some risk with them.

So we talked a bit more and she printed off some info for me to take home and read from the ACOG (American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology).  I just read it a little bit ago....basically it says there is considerable amount of clinical data and published reports support its safety when used appropriately.  I'd say that is the big thing right there, many of these horror stories was probably the result of not using it properly (a higher dose than 25 mcg more than 3-6 hours, use of it for induction when the patient has had a previous C section, and following its use with Pitocin less than 4 hours after the last dose of Cytotec).

I'm still a little freaked out, but I feel a lot better after talking to her and reading what she gave me.  I mean afterall, nothing spreads faster than horror stories about a drug that can kill you and your baby.  I did it myself, after reading all I did on the interweb, I promptly texted a few friends saying "oh my God they're using this drug on me that could kill me", without actually knowing any factual information from a reputable source.  But, it does all change the way I feel about being induced.  Before I was kind of cool with it; it sounded nice to have one last weekend before THE day, go to the hospital cool, calm, and collected and begin to prepare to meet my girl.  But now I'm thinking it wouldn't be so bad if I went into labor on my own before then.  I mean if it happens it happens, but I do feel a lot better after talking to her.  I trust my doctor and I trust my hospital.

So last week I said my pelvic bones were hurting; it felt like I had been on a horse for too long, or did too many squats.  It was just a general nagging soreness....but then today I was getting ready to leave work to go to the doctor and suddenly the pain shifted to my crotch, and basically felt like I fell on a pole crotch first....or like I was sitting on a bike without the seat.  It was much more tolerable when sitting down, but when I first get up and walk I was in a lot of pain.  I was so glad I was on my way to the doctor.

So I had her check me, I was convinced her head was like right there, but I'm only dilated to 1 and my cervix is still pretty long and high.  It's better than the fingertip dilation I had last week, but still, I was hoping for more like 2-4.  Especially after I had a few hours of cramping last night in which at least an hour of it was timeable around 10 minutes apart.  A far cry from the 3 minutes apart it would need to be, but still I thought maybe some progress.  It's all pretty meaningless anyway....I could be at 1 for days, and then suddenly shoot up to 8 or 10 in a matter of hours, or I could be at 1 and gradually climb over a few days.  But being a little more dilated would have been good for morale, haha.  Especially after the pain I was in today...

So then my doctor wasn't thrilled with my NST.  She didn't do terrible, but for once she wasn't going crazy so my doctor decided a BPP (Biophysical Profile) was in order.  It's basically just a detailed ultrasound looking for adequate fluid, movement, HR acceleration, muscle tone and breathing episodes.  It's this last one that Boo failed.  She didn't have any adequate breathing episodes in the 30 minutes....the tech said she started to a few times, but then she would wiggle around so she couldn't get the consecutive 30 seconds she needed to pass the test.  So tomorrow I have to go back for another NST and possible BPP.  I didn't ask, but I'm assuming if she doesn't pass tomorrow then they would make the decision to possibly induce now.  So I'm hoping she passes tomorrow, I don't think I'm ready for induction just yet. 

I scared my poor husband when I told him she failed, I think he's convinced something is really wrong.  But really, thats why they repeat the test.  She only didn't practice breathing in that one half hour that we were watching in 24 hours.  More than likely she'll pass the NST and not even need the BPP again. I'm kind of happy about getting out of work early again.  Next week is my last, so every second I can work less is good with me. 

But I have to say, after months of freaking out every time I cramp, praying it will go away soon and praying my cervix is long and closed, it feels good to be rooting for dilation, and to welcome the cramps, hoping it means I'm progressing and getting closer to the end.  Up until last week I was uncomfortable but could still go the next few weeks....but if this pole up the vag feeling decides to stick around, then I'm ready to be done.

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