Sunday, March 2, 2014

The nursery is done- 37 wks 3 days

Nothing like waiting until the last minute, but the nursery is finally done.  It's such a relief, and a weight off my shoulders.  I still wouldn't mind if she waits until her induction date or very close to it, but at least I don't feel the panic of not having a room ready for her if she were to come earlier.

I still have a few odds and ends things to put away, and Ryan needs to install the ceiling fan and mount the video monitor to the wall, but I am really in no huge rush for those.  I would like them to be done before she comes, but I don't feel the pressing need like the crib and the dresser.  Now I can relax and watch Oscar garbage on TV.  I'm not really a fan of award shows and I think there is way too much hype over them, but it's only 6:30pm and it sounds really good to just spend the rest of the evening lounging on the couch, watching Oscar crap until The Walking Dead comes on.

I still have tomorrow off too; best decision I've made in a long time.  I get to sleep in, and I really don't have much to do tomorrow.  Ryan and I are going to try to get our Tdap shots.  I've been trying for a while now....for some reason I thought my OB would give it to me, and then I realized time had gotten away from me and I needed to ask about it, but they don't carry it.  So I went to Target but they didn't have just the whooping cough, they only had Tdap.  They thought it was probably fine, but they wanted me to check with my doctor to make sure the other two components were safe to get while pregnant.

So when I got the ok from my doctor, I went back but they were out of stock....the next day I was going to get it I was really sick with my cold and didn't feel like adding a sore arm to my symptoms.  So I went back yesterday, I slowly shopped for an hour because they said it would be a little while since they were pretty swamped.  When it was finally time to get it, there was an issue with my insurance.  My company, while in Michigan, is based in Florida so my insurance is through Florida and for some reason they couldn't bill my insurance since it was out of state.

So I didn't get it, figuring I'd just go to my PCP tomorrow.  But my husband still needs his so we're just going to go back to Target tomorrow, pay cash and hope my insurance will reimburse us.  Maybe we can grab lunch while we're out and find something fun to do and make a day of it.  Even when we don't really do anything special, I love days like that where he and I just spend a few hours out and about together.

So here are some pics of the nursery....I am so happy with it, it is just how I always pictured it and I think Boo will love it.  Or I hope so anyway.  I think I managed to create a good balance of girly, but not "hosed down" in girly princess pink.  Hopefully I'm not the only one that thinks that, haha.

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