Saturday, January 25, 2014

Another snowy Saturday- 32 wks 2 days

As it has been doing in Michigan for weeks now, it's snowing again, and my husband is working.  He'd rather I don't go out in it, but I need a prescription that I cannot go without for another day, so aside from a quick trip to Target, I'm quarantined to the house all day, so I think I'll get some cleaning done.

The house is a wreck; we've gotten a few presents in the past week and all of the shipping boxes are still laying around.  The rug has a nice layer of cat fur and don't even get me started on the bathroom, yuck.  Cleaning day it is.  Plus we're having the house re-plumbed next week, so I should pretend like we're not disgusting people who cannot clean for a plumber to be here.  I cannot wait for our plumbing.  Our house never had great water pressure in the shower, but in the last few months it's gotten worse.  We used to have a fancy shower head but had to get rid of it because it dispursed the already low pressured water over too big of a surface, so we had to get a little crappy one that centered all the water coming out in one small area; it kind of resembles the shower head you might find in a camper.

So they're coming next week to re-plumb with copper since our galvanized is corroded.  We got all new fixures for the tub and sinks and I cannot wait to take a nice hot shower with real water pressure and a nice shower head.  It will also be nice once Boo is big enough to take baths in the tub.  Right now it takes so long to fill up the bathtub, I haven't taken a bath in a long time.  It's just not worth the I'm too scared to when pregnant.  I like hot hot baths and I'm too scared it would raise my core temperature.

So speaking of being quarantined to the house, I enjoyed a very nice dinner out last night with my dad, stepmom, MIL, FIL, neice and my best friend to make final shower plans, and to order the food that we're having catered for the shower.  I feel like aside from work I don't get out much anymore, and I hadn't seen my best friend in several weeks, and the food was delicious so it was just a really nice night.  It was a long day at work looking forward to the diner. 

My shower is next Saturday, just one more week!  I'm so excited.  I'm getting a mani and pedi next Friday and then Saturday morning I'm getting my hair cut.  My stylist brings out all the layers and highlights when she blow dries my hair, so I always try to schedule my hair cut for days that I want to look nice and don't want to be bothered doing my hair.  I'm excited to get dolled up and go to a great shower, especially since lately I seem to be setting a record with how many days I can go without washing my hair so I can sleep in later, and my yoga pants have been a valued staple in my wardrobe.

Yesterday marked 10 months since we lost Kayla.  I cannot believe time has gone so quickly, and it will be a year just a few days after Boo is born.  Where has the time gone?  Mommy and daddy love you, sweet angel.

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