Monday, January 27, 2014

Stroller-32 wks 4 days

My aunt bought us our light weight stroller and it arrived today.  She's coming to the shower, but figured she'd just ship it so we have more room to bring other stuff home from the shower.  I think I love it.  I'm just nervous because I started to put it together and noticed in the manual it said "not for use with click connect car seats, only for classic connect".  I was like awe damn, our car seat that comes with our travel system is a click connect.

So I whined to my dad about how we have to return it and now I don't know what to do about a lightweight stroller.  We're getting the travel system with a jogger, which we're really excited about.  We hope to do a lot of walking/jogging with Boo when she gets big enough, and even if we don't use it for that as much, it will be a great all-terrain stroller for stuff like the zoo, picnics, anywhere there might not be perfect sidewalk since it's got nice big rubber tires. 

But, the jogger is way too big and bulky to be our everyday stroller for running errands and going to the mall and stuff.  I was going to get the Graco stroller frame that the carseat clicks into for this purpose, but then realized I would have to buy yet another stroller once she outgrows the carseat since the stroller frame is obviously useless without the carseat.

So I was thrilled when I found this lightweight stroller which is perfect for everyday use, can have the carseat click in and can be used once she outgrows the carseat.  Plus, it was only $65 vs the $100 stroller frame.  I mean yeah we didn't buy it, but why make our family pay $100 when they can pay $65?

So the catseat not fitting is a major snafu.  But, I went to the website and looked at it again, and it says in the description that all Graco carseats will fit, and someone asked the question, "will my snugride click connect carseat fit" and the answer was yes.  I don't know why the manual would say it doesn't, but the website clearly says in two spots that it does.

So I took a gamble and put it together.  I'm keeping the box and paperwork though until we get our carseat and can see if it fits or not.  If not, we'll return it and then I don't know what to do.  I really don't want to pay 35 more or a stroller frame that cannot be used as long.  I probably shouldn't have put it together just in case, but I am a pregnant woman with baby stuff in her house.  It's driving me insane that my husband hasn't put the crib together yet, and the dresser arrived today (yay) so that's another thing he needs to get done, preferably before my shower on Saturday so we can put stuff away when we bring it home.  So the stroller was my baby to put together.  Aside from the carseat question, I love it.  I can't wait to use it.

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