Thursday, January 17, 2013

First tri bloodwork 12 wks 6 days

We got our bloodwork back from our NT scan the other day, all normal!  The chances of a chromosomal abnormality as far as this test goes is about 1 in 10,000.  Whew!  I wasn't exactly worried, but that moment the doctor calls with your results, there is a slight fleeting though of, what if?  Especially because I am creeping up on that "advanced maternal age" category.  I had to chuckle, and I do feel bad about this, but my brother's girlfriend will be 39 this year and while I don't think they are in a rush, they have not completely ruled out having kids at some point.  She told us not long ago that if she were to get pregnant, her doctor said it would be classified as a geriatric pregnancy.

I mean, I know that is a technical medical term, but what is wrong with using advanced maternal age?  Women who have babies later in life already feel like an old lady, why make them feel worse?  Any woman pushing 35 knows that she is older and having a baby, but geriatric makes it sound like we're 70 year olds getting knocked up.  So I guess by the time we try for number 2, if we try for number 2 I will be considered geriatric as well, lol.

I know my husband has always wanted two, and I have also, but at this point in the game all I can say if we'll have to wait and see.  Maybe after B is born we'll decide we are happy and content and don't need to go down that road again....or we'll crave another baby and take the plunge.  But right now I am open to both possibilities.  There are pros and cons to both so it will be a decision made by our feelings at the time.

I always wanted at least two kids, I loved having a brother growing up and we're still very close.  But there definitely are pros to an only child.  Everyone I know with more than one kid always seem like they are losing their mind.  The kids are running everywhere, the house is in constant chaos, the kids fight or they're just loud, etc.  That scares the hell out of me.  My brother and I are 4 years apart, so of course a 4 year old isn't an adult, but he was much more able to take care of himself a little bit when my mom was busy with me.  He could probably be trusted to dress himself and entertain himself, and he could watch me for moments here and there when my mom had to leave the room.

But it seems more families today, the children are only seperated by 18 months or 2.5 years at the most.  When your first kid is still essentially a baby when the second one comes along, that's a lot more work, especially if the older kid is still in diapers.  I would LOVE to put 4 years between kids, but that would mean waiting until 37 to start trying for number 2...that seems scary.  Even waiting until 36 to start sounds scary, but I don't think we would want to try any sooner than that.  B will only be 9 months when I turn 35;  I suppose if he or she is a crazy easy baby and we're feeling the bug already we could try that early, but ideally I would like to nurse for a year at least if it works out, so at 9 months I may not have even had a PP period again yet. 

I know, I am over thinking it.  We'll know what to do at the time, I just hope we're on the same page.  So far we have been....we may not always see eye to eye on some things, but when it comes to being ready to get married, TTC, and ideas on how to raise our kids we are pretty well in sync, so hopefully if one of us wants another kid, the other will too and vice versa.   

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