Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Heartbeat- 10 wks 2 days

I had another huge scare last night.  I was watching TV and felt a little crampy, but not even as intense as they had been in the past, but I did my paranoid check anyway and there was bright red blood.  Not a lot, but the color freaked me out.  I went to the bathroom and immediately the water in the toilet turned all red, and THAT freaked me out.  I immediately thought I was losing it, it just seemed like way too much blood.  In retrospect it probably wasn't that I freaked out and went to bed, putting my feet up.  When I put my progesterone in there was blood on the stick unlike last time when the bleeding seemed to be just two drops and then nothing.  This was still just spotting, but more spotting than last time.

So I somehow slept on and off, but I kept having dreams that I was going to lose it and would have to unannounce to the people we have already told.  I got up at 7 to call off work and the spotting was still very minimal, but now when I used the bathroom the water was just brownish and there was just light pink when I wiped.  I called the doctor and they could only get me in an hour earlier which was 2:30 instead of 3:30 but any minute earlier helped.  So I went back to bed and showered later and then we went.  I was so happy my husband was home and could go with me.

So when I got there the nurse already knew I had had bleeding since I had told the receptionist when I called.  Maybe that doesn't seem like a big deal, but I am using to family doctor who ask why you're coming in when you call for an appt, then the nurse asks and then the doctor asks, so I like that everyone already knows the issue there when you walk in.  She took my blood pressure and she said well, at least your body seems to be good at handling stress because my BP was good.

I had to do a mid stream urine collection, which was fun.  I really had to go and didn't realize I had filled the cup and then some....there is a little thingie on top of the cup, like a funnel so I had peed all the way up to the top of the funnel, so then the pee was running over the edges and onto my pants and the floor.  Ugh....luckily I had drank a lot of water so it was more like spilling water on myself.  The nurse said just in that sample there was no protein, unlike in my 24 hour urine collection, so I feel pretty confident the protein was from my bladder infection meds, but they still want me to repeat that one.

So then the nurse used the doppler...she said I am just at the stage where they could even begin to get a heartbeat on the doppler, so she said if she couldn't find one, don't freak out.  Despite that, I was still a little nervous when she couldn't find it for the first 30 seconds or so, but then I started to hear what I thought was the hb, and she found a good spot to just stop on and the hb was loud and clear, 168 bpm.  Thank God!  That was such an amazing sound.  I was really happy that Ryan got to hear it too, he said it was cool and he was smiling when I looked at him.

So then the OB came in....she was nice and I liked her I guess, but she is one of those people that makes constant eye contact and even when I was done talking she would just sit there and stare at me.  So I kept looking to Ryan, do you have any questions?  He didn't, so I'd say ok sounds good, and she just kept staring at me.  I hate people like that.  Take a social clue, when I say ok, I think that was all my questions, understand that I am done talking and you need to either say something or look away or something, ugh.  I'll meet with all four doctors on a rotating basis but I'll have her for the next few appointments, great.

So she did an exam and looked at my cervix....ugh that was not fun, I swear the speculum is the most uncomfortable thing ever invented.  Couldn't they have found a way to make it more comfortable by now?  She said she could see the blood on the cervix but couldn't really say why I had bled.  I still haven't had any more bleeding, so I can only assume the blood she saw was just what was left over.  She she swabbed some off with a giant q-tip, so I'll have to remember not to get freaked out if I have brown spotting in the next few days.  If that blood is still there on the cervix, it will likely eventually come out and by then it should be brown.  But brown is much less scary than red.

She said my cervix is closed, so that's good, but again she couldn't say why I was bleeding.  So I feel a lot better, knowing my cervix is closed and the heartbeat was strong was very reassuring, but I wish I knew why I was bleeding.  However since she didn't do anymore testing or anything I hope that means she isn't too worried about it.  I asked about the NT scan, she did say it is not mandatory, but she said it is more than just finding (or not finding) evidence of downs and other chromosomal abnormalities, but they use it for other things to help determine care through out the pregnancy like a possible heart defect.  So I think I will have it....if nothing else, it would be really reassuring to see that the baby is doing ok after this bleeding scare.  I really can't imagine going 8 more weeks before my anatomy scan to get reassurance again.  Oh and they also said anytime I have a scare or something I can come in and have the doppler done to get reassurance from the HB, and there is no office visit charge for that.  That's good to know.

She asked if I wanted a doctor's note for the rest of the week for work, I took it but as long as I don't have any more bleeding I'll go to work tomorrow and Friday.  It sounds very tempting, but I have very little sick and vacation time right now and already I'm taking time off for appointments.  I have no idea what could happen further down the road, if I took the next day or two off and then came down with a really bad sickness or something in a few months, I would so regret not going for the rest of this week.

Today I had the panicked thought that I just cannot take this stress for the rest of the pregnancy, but I have to remember that I am not scared all the time.  In fact up until last night I was finally starting to feel pretty confident about this pregnancy.  So hopefully in a few more days I'll relax again some more and feel better.  Plus just a few more weeks and I'll be in second tri and your chances of a healthy pregnancy increase substantially.

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