Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I feel ugly!- 11 wks 1 day

I told my boss my big news today.  I was really nervous because he is a new boss, only for like a week now.  Aside from hellos and goodbyes in passing, this is really the first one on one conversation I've had with him.  I was afraid he would see it as bad news, like oh crap she is my new employee and now I have to figure out how to cover her job for three months.  But he didn't even ask when my due date is, and he seemed really excited for me and said it's fantastic news.  He also sounds very cool about getting me time off for doctor appointments and making sure I "get the care I need", his words.

He also said he is pretty laid back and even somewhat of a pushover.  His main concern is that people show up for work and do their work....he said he doesn't care if you're doing it from the moon, as long as it gets done.  So he may be a very cool boss afterall, I wasn't sure at first.  So I asked him to keep quiet for another week, I want to have my NT scan before I announce to everyone else.

So I'd really like to know who this person is that says pregnant women are glowing and beautiful, because I don't feel glowing or beautiful.  My face is full of zits, I have not one, not two but three just on my nose alone.  I am in need of a dye job but I am not sure if it's ok...I don't know if the issue is the fumes or the chemicals or a combination, but I'll have to ask my doctor.  So my hair is this blah color right now, and since I cannot take my biotin, it is also stringy and straw-like.  I suspect hormones are also taking a toll on it.  I have gained weight, not because of the baby but because for a few weeks I had an appetite that would not quit, but also because I have fallen into the trap of thinking "I'm pregnant, I can eat what I want".  Well no, I don't think that way, but I am behaving that way.  So I just feel ugly and fat....oh and the glowing, that is sweat?  I am always hot. 

I actually woke up cold this morning for once, so I took a steaming hot shower and jumped into my robe the second I got out, but neverfear, the oven syndrome returned shortly after and I couldn't get the robe off fast enough.  I am currently sitting here at work with the fan blowing on me.  But, in an effort to feel a little better, my husband and I are planning to go to the gym after work.  I'm hoping we can make this an every-other-night thing and maybe working out will help me to not gain anymore unnecessary weight and just make me feel all around better about myself. 

And, I am 11 weeks today!  I love Tuesdays :)