Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pregnancy Gingivitis- 14 wks 6 days

I've never heard of such a thing, but apparently I have it.  My gums have been sore for weeks, they haven't bled yet, but in addition to hurting when I eat, my overall mouth is now extra sensitive to any food that isn't bland as hell, even mayo is irritating.  I heard in passing that sore gums can happen, so I didn't worry about it, until I googled last night (I know, shouldn't google).  I know it's not exactly the same thing as having gingivitis, there is a reason for it due to the extra blood flow and causing my gums to be fuller and more sensitive, so it's not like I have neglected my teeth and in most cases it goes away once the baby is born.  But the mere fact that it is called this freaks me out.

I've always only been a once a day brusher....I don't recall my parents ever making us brush our teeth at night and since I've always brushed my teeth for an insanely long time, I rarely get cavities and my hygienist always praises how well I do brushing my teeth, I figured there was no reason to brush twice a day.  But now I am worried....and my teeth do feel extra gunky since I got pregnant, so I am thinking of becoming a twice a day-er....however it hurts.  So I think when I make my Target trip tomorrow I will pick up some kids toothpaste and kids brush that is softer, see if that helps.  But I have a cleaning next month, so I'll make sure everything is fine.

Well, that's all the exciting stuff I have to report, unless you want to hear about how my poops are getting better because of Colace.  No?  Didn't think so.

1 comment:

  1. The reason why our gums get hurt every time we eat when we have gingivitis is because of the amount of sodium that the food contains. That’s why patients with gingivitis are always recommended to go on a soft diet.

    Arun Narang
