Thursday, December 13, 2012

Appetite- 7 wks 3 days

I'm's almost noon and I am not hungry for lunch.  Of course that could easily change in a matter of minutes, but lately I have been starving by 11:15.  I didn't even have a huge breakfast, just my usual two servings of honeynut cheerios and a cup of applesauce.  Maybe the insane, insatiable hunger is tapering off.  I really hope so because I don't know how I am going to keep my weight gain to a minimum when I turn into a monster and want to eat everything in sight.  Come to think of it I wasn't super hungry for dinner last night either.

Tuesday was boss took us out to lunch for her Christmas gift to us (awesome gift by the way, my old boss used to buy us stuff, let's just say her taste and the rest of the world's did not match up very well).  I checked the menu the night before, there wasn't much in the way of healthy.  Even salads and sandwhiches were over 1000 calories.  I finally settled on half a chicken salad sandwhich and a bowl of chicken noodle soup, but that still came to like 750 calories.  However on the way there, I was so stinkin' hungry if we had been in the country I might have been tempted to jump out of the car and devour a living cow right then and there.  I decided my "low calorie" meal wasn't going to cut it.

Instead I had a delicious (and huge) cheeseburger with waffle fries.  OMG, it was sooooo good, but honestly I wasn't all that full afterward.  Not saying I wanted more, but I probably could have put away another 1/2 burger if my life depended on it.  I didn't feel the slightest bit guilty either.  I mean, if I devoured that huge burger and fries so easily, I am sure half a sandwhich and chicken noodle soup would have done nothing.  I'm not even a big chicken noodle soup fan....

So yeah, hopefully this is a sign that I am getting back to a normal appetite.  Ryan has to work both days this weekend, so maybe that means I can be productive and get to the gym both days.  I have a hard time being productive when he is home, I don't know why.  I think for dinner tomorrow, we need to go somewhere that has onion rings.  It's the weirdest thing, since I got pregnant, onions smell sooooo good to me.  I've always liked the flavor of onions, like if they're cooked in something, but never the actual onions and I always found the smell to be overpowering.  But lately, yum.  At lunch the other day a waitress walked by with a plate of onion rings and I wanted to follow her, so I'll have to see if they taste as good as they're smelling.

I went to the mall last night to get a new cell phone, and lookie what was right across the hall...a Motherhood Maternity store.  I went in to browse for a few, the sales lady was really nice.  I got such a good deal on my phone which is my Christmas present from my dad that I can afford to buy something else so I think I will get me some maternity pants this weekend.  I am clearly not showing yet, but I need new black pants for work, and it doesn't make sense to buy regular ones, go to the trouble of hemming them and then do it all over again in a few months with maternity.  Besides, days like this, maternity pants will be a God send.  I am so bloated and uncomfortable today, and these pants are actually kind of big on me.  So excited for cute maternity clothes.

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