Monday, December 10, 2012

Up North- 7 wks

Well we were supposed to go up north this weekend to visit my grandma and pick out our Christmas tree and cut it down (my dad has a tree farm).  But my brother's girlfriend has to work Saturday so their weekend would be so limited they decided to just not go.  Then I was paying bills today and things just aren't too pretty right now.  It's not like going up north is super expensive, but if we can save the money we would spend on gas and eating out it makes sense to do so.  My dad will just have to bring our tree home for us. 

I'm bummed, but we decided to go at the end of January instead.  We can ride with my brother and his gf and save some gas, and I will either be in second tri or close enough that we can tell my grandma and it will be ok if she tells others.  I wanted to tell her this weekend, but my dad thought it might be hard for her to not tell.  She isn't a gossip, and she hasn't "lost it" but her memory isn't what it used to be, and he thought it might be hard for her not to let it accidentally slip.  So we can tell her then, and I have to say I'd much rather tell her in person.

My dad made me call her when I got engaged to tell her the news, and it was so awkward.  My grandma and I don't chat on the phone, she's a woman of few words, and while I love her, we're not super close.  Not like I was with my other grandma at all.  So I was super nervous about calling her....I checked my phone log after the call, I think it was about one minute and 37 seconds, lol.

And not telling her myself is not an option, I said something about not telling her to my brother (I just meant not telling her right away, not in general) and his eyes got big and said "do you want to die"?  Lol, my grandma does not like to hear news second hand.  This will be her 15th great-grandchild!  Holy moly....but really that's not a lot considering she's got 29 grandkids.  So far the 14 are only from 7 grandkids.  Once we're all old enough to have kids I'll bet the count will be somewhere in the 80's....I mean, if we all had two on average that would be 58.

We can also tell any aunts or uncles we run across while we're there.  Unfortunately most of them will have to find out via facebook, my family is just too big to tell them all in person, but it will be nice if I can tell some while we're there.

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