Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Amanda and I went to lunch on Saturday with her boys and then we went to the cemetery to see Kayla's grave.  The grass is starting to come in over her grave, as well as around it since she's right under a tree so the grass comes in later in the shade.  I didn't know what she had told her son, he is 3.5 so I wasn't sure if he would understand where we were or have questions, but of course he did.  He kept asking who Kayla was and where was she.  I didn't say anything because it's not my place to explain death to him, and I think Amanda was hesitant to in front of me in case it upset me, or he had more questions.  Hopefully she was able to figure out what to tell him once they got home.  I guess she figured he is young enough that he wouldn't ask.

I was talking to my SIL about it and of course she had told my niece and nephew what happened.  She said she overheard my niece playing in her dollhouse not long after (she's four) and she had one of the dolls ask where the baby was and the other doll replied that the baby had passed away.  Aww...that's exactly what I would have done as a kid too, I always played eveything that happened in real life.

We went to Brenda's for a bbq yesterday and I saw her daughter Rhonda for the first time since before Kayla passed.  I was a little nervous to see her....Rhonda has cerebral palsy, she is 40 but basically had the mindset of a 7 year old.  So she often says things that are a little innappropriate and she says them loudly, so I was nervous to see her, not sure of what she would say.  But she came up to me last night and quietly said, I'm so sorry you lost your baby and she gave me a hug.  I was so touched, it was one of the nicest condolences I've gotten from anyone. 

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