Sunday, November 24, 2013

Annoyed-23 wks 3 days

My dinner sucked tonight.  We don't have much in the house, and I am sick to death of anything I can eat that can be ordered.  I already went out today to run errands and it was extremely cold, so going out for anything was out of the question.

So I had noodles, with an attempt to melt cheese over them since actual mac and cheese is too high in carbs.  As I was trying to get my cat off the counter, the serving spoon fell out of the pot, taking most of the noodles with cheese on them with it.  Grrrr.

I don't know if it's because I am jealous, or if it's because people are too whiney (for the record, I am NOT whining right now), I'm sick to death of hearing pregnant women say "I can't stop eating", or "I have such a sweet tooth, all I want is sugar and I can't stop".  Um, yes you can, you just don't want to.

How about, I can't eat that way for the health of my baby, I have to follow a strict diet, I have to eat at certain times even if I'm not hungry and your whining because you "can't" stop stuffing your face with a whole plate of brownies?  Yeah, I'm probably jealous, but I just cannot stand when people claim they can't do something when it comes to health.

Of course, I'm not the picture of health, but I own up to it.  I was fat before I got pregnant because I didn't want to stop eating crap and drinking pepsi.  I chose to sit on the couch rather than work out.  Being pregnant is no excuse either, you're eating junk or eating all day because you want to.  I guess I'll get my revenge when I hear everyone whining about trying to lose the 30+ pounds they gained and I have nothing to lose from pregnancy but right now I'm extremely irritated.  And with that, I'm taking my grumpy ass to bed.

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