Monday, November 11, 2013

Hand me downs- 21 wks 4 days

My friend who has three little girls just sent back a ton of stuff with her mom when she went to visit, and then dropped it off to me.  Some of the stuff I can't use, like a bottle warmer, and some items that I honestly don't know what they are, lol.  But she sent a bouncy seat, an under the sea activity mat (which we had actually registered for last time) a food grinder, some brand new bottles, a brand new bottle of prenatals (they're gummy, so probably not good for my GD, but I can take them after Boo gets here), and a three layer lazy susan filled with jars of baby food.  Not to mention the two bags of the most adorable little girl dresses you've ever seen, and a baby sling. 

The clothes are all 12 months, but I can't wait till they fit, they're all so cute.  This one in particular will be perfect for next Christmas...she'll be about 9 months by then, but there's a very good chance it'll fit her.  I'll want her to wear them all before she grows out of them, but I doubt there will be enough fancy occasions, so she's going to be very well dressed for doctor appts and trips to Target.

The best part it, whatever I can't use, can go to my dad's since he'll need things there too.  Like one of the things she sent was a musical light up thing that goes on the won't go with our theme, so my dad can have it at his house.  I'm excited to buy new furniture and stuff, but gently used hand me downs are awesome.

I'm starting to get nervous about this Saturday (my loss milestone).  In some ways I feel good, because things have been going well.  But on the other hand, everything happened within 3 or 4 days....the cramps and the increased discharge....I thought everything was fine last time too.  But at least I have been getting extra monitoring, so I know that at least as of last Tuesday, everything was fine.  Thank goodness I have an appointment tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping you in my thoughts these next few days.

    That's wonderful that she was so generous with her hand-me-downs.
