Monday, November 18, 2013

Clean house- 22 wks 4 days

My house is clean!  Well sort of....I literally spent all day cleaning and doing odd jobs around the house yesterday.  Our house was terrible before, clutter everywhere, two new containers of cat litter had been sitting in the kitchen for over a month now, waiting for my husband to take them downstairs, empty 12 pack pop containers sitting around, luggage still from Vegas, ugh!

I got all of the clutter picked up in the living room and kitchen, I vacuumed, did dishes and swept the floor.  So I didn't do much hardcore cleaning as I did straightening up, but it looks so much better.  Now that I am starting with a clean slate, I can try getting back to my cleaning schedule where I clean one thing each day.  There is still some of my husband's clutter that I don't know what to do with, but honestly I don't like a pristine home.  Once I get on a cleaning kick I have a hard time stopping, and if our house is "stranger presentable" then I obsess over every little dirt spec and item out of place.  But if it's just normal people clean with some stuff here and there to look like we do in fact life there, I can relax.  I know I'm weird.

I don't know where my energy came from yesterday but I just couldn't stop.  I tried a few times to relax and do nothing, but I kept thinking of new things to do.  I also washed all of the baby clothes my friend gave me as well as the baby carrier, I wiped down and/or washed any of the items she gave me like the activity mat, the bumpo seat and a few other items that I don't know what they're called.  Unfortunately we have to toss the jumperoo.  I cannot figure out how to get any of the plush animals or the seat cover off to wash them, and there is some visible crusty stuff on some of the animals and I just can't bring myself to use it without being able to clean it well.

It's too bad because it's an item I would like, and I checked it out on Babies R Us and it's a $100 item.  But she gave me so much useful stuff I really can't complain.  Some of the stuff I'll be taking to my dad's since he'll need stuff there.  I'm excited to see the nursery coming together, even though it's still a complete mess and doesn't really resemble a nursery yet.

Today I made a list of things I want to organize, like closets, our bedroom, and the basement.  I have no clue when I'll get the list done, but I'll tackle each thing as I have time and energy.  I'm especially excited to do our's such a mess, and I know I have a ton of clothes I should get rid of, or at least store.  I hate to get rid of "skinny clothes" because some of them are really cute and I do plan to be able to wear them again some day, but there is just no room for them with my current clothes right now.  So I'll give some away, but hopefully can store some too.

The main thing is I need to make our bedroom into a non-tripping hazard.  I get up at least once or twice a night to go to the bathroom and it's really hard to walk in the dark, half asleep as it is, let alone with junk everywhere.  But I refuse to do that once I have to get up to check on Boo, so our bedroom is my first task on my list. 

Ugh, I have a sinus headache....for some reason I seem to be more prone to them while pregnant.  I guess they're better than a migraine though.  I've decided to start listening to headphones at work....this lady that drives me insane (she's very noisy, she makes an array of annoying noises through out the day) is back from vacation this week and already driving me nuts.  In the morning she has this dry hacky cough, in the afternoon she makes these small grunt noises (???) and lately she's been talking to herself.  I am often in a decent mood when I get to work, only for it to be squashed by annoying people, so I think headphones are a good solution.

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