Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A tad bit nervous-UPDATED- 4wks 1 day

UPDATE:  I finally got my results, betas are 301 which is more than quadrupled from Friday's 54!!!  Whew, what a relief.  They don't check progesterone after the first draw, plus they have me on suppositories so I can't imagine how that would drop.  She said my TSH is slightly elevated at 4.11 so upping my synthroid from 50mcs to 75 wasn't enough, so she's calling in an rx to up it to 100.  But overall, awesome news.  I go in on saturday for my third and final betas and then my first ultrasound and appointment with my doctor is two weeks from today, I'm so excited! 

I knew I was nervous to hear the results of my second betas today, but I had no idea I was THAT nervous.  My phone just lit up and while I waited to two seconds for the number to show, my heart shot up into my throat.  It wasn't my RE, some wrong number but man was my heart pounding.  I really didn't think I was that insane with anxiety.

I took my last FRER today, just to ease my mind while I waited for results.  The test line was darker than the control, so that definitely helped push some of my fears away.  But it's weird...its like if I just don't know, I feel like everything will be fine, but I am so afraid of getting that call that my numbers haven't doubled. 

I just read on TB that most ladies who are on progesterone supplements are on them for almost the entire first tri.  Eh, great.  Don't get me wrong, I am MORE than willing to do whatever it takes for a healthy pregnancy, but they are a bit of a pain.  On week days I have to wake up half an hour early so I can put it in and then lay in bed for 30 minutes (ok so that part isn't so bad).  At night it's not bad at all, I just pop one in and lay on the couch or bed and watch TV.  I'll survive.  Though I gave myself a heart attack last night.  During the day a pantyliner is plenty of catch any dribble, but right after inserting them I really need to use a real pad to catch most of it.  So last night I was wearing only a pantyliner and it was saturated enough to show the color of my undies through the liner, so of course when I went to the bathroom, the first thing my brain saw when I looked at the liner was red.  Man, that was a scary 10 seconds before I realized what was going on.

I'm really loving how into this pregnancy my husband has been.  Geeze, that makes him sound like a douche...but given how distant he was last time and how I figured these early stages wouldn't impact him much, it's really cute to see him asking questions.  I'm trying really hard to keep a cleaner house....I just get overwhelmed and lazy and just let it all go way too often.  I really want to become more on top of things and cleaner once LO comes.  I mean it's one thing to be able to see visible cat hair on the rug right now, but when we have a LO crawling around on the floor, um no. 

So I made a schedule of something I have to do everyday.  Since I was too tired to mop the floors on Sunday, I had to mop the floors and vacuum the rugs last night.  When MH came upstairs and saw me cleaning he hugged me and in a teasing voice he was like are you nesting?  Lol, I think its a smidge too early for that.  Then last night when he came to bed he asked what happaned with our LO that day, cause my journal gives a play by play of what's happening each day.  It said our LO's heart started beating yesterday or the day before :)

My cramps are becoming way less frequent.  Yesterday and today I haven't felt them much at all through out the day, but when I do feel them they are more intense.  But, it's usually after I've been sitting for a while and I get up and walk around for a few minutes, I'll usually get a rather intense cramp right then.  So I am attributing that to the fact that I changed positions so it is likely stretching my ute that is already undergoing a lot of changes.  At least I hope that's what it means.

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