Tuesday, November 6, 2012

O, where art thou?

All signs point to me Oing yesterday, so I really really hope that is true.  Since last week I had had these AF like cramps that usually only were more intense in the evening, but yesterday it bothered me all day and it was more intense.  I also had intermitent sharp pains on my lower right side, those started around 3pm and lasted until I went to bed.  I had what I am pretty sure is watery CM and my temp went up today...not a ton, but we'll see over the next few days if I get CHs.

The overall cramping is almost non-existant today, I really have to stop and concentrate to see if I am still feeling them, and the sharp pains are gone.  If I Od yesterday then our timing would be O-2, and O.  Not amazing, but I feel much better about having gotten last night in, so as much as I would be over the moon to have a BFP, I won't feel as crushed if I get a BFN since we made a pretty good effort for timing.

If I Od yesterday, FF will probably tell me not to test until the day after Thanksgiving.  Which is good....despite not wanting to wait a ton of time to tell close family and friends, less than a week would be way too soon for me to feel comfortable tell the whole Thanksgiving table.  Besides, it's at my SIL's this year and they are inviting some friends I don't really know as well, so then it definitely wouldn't happen.  But if I were to get a BFP and then have to sit through Thanksgiving dinner, I'd be soooo tempted to tell someone. 

I am still torn on when to test though....I don't really like the idea of testing on a weekday.  MH leaves for work before I even get up, so if I got a BFP I'd have to go the whole day waiting till I get home to tell him.  I want him to be the first to know of course, but man, that will be a test of my patience to at least not tell my TTC BFF or TB.  But then testing Saturday....I don't know.  That will be just one week before I got my BFP last year, so the closeness in all the timing will freak me out a bit.  Even though it wouldn't be THE Saturday, just testing on a Saturday at all would make me nervous, let along just one week before last year.  I know it's ridiculous but I would be afraid history would repeat itself.

All of the deja vu is kind of making me feel hopeful, but it's scaring me at the same time. On the one hand I feel like it's meant to be that I get a BFP again, to turn the bad into good.  But of course it's scaring me because I worry it will all happen again the exact same way.  So to recount the similarities, we have the fact that both times I decided out of the complete blue to take an OPK and it was positive....my surge lasted pretty much the same amount of time, FF is showing my FW as being the same days, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday....last year I took Vinny to the vet the day I found out I was KU and I just took him the other day and I will take him again in a few weeks (he doesn't go often which is why it's weird), and I'll potentially be testing the very week before I did last year....

If I were to get a BFP the weekend after Thanksgiving, I would be very tempted to wait until Christmas to announce.  Ugh, that seems like such a long time though....I think part of me is in a huge hurry to announce, so that even if the worst were to happen I would at least get to experience the joy of announcing the good news first.  The problem is I am not sure if it will even be possible to get my dad and his girlfriend together at the same time before Christmas.  My dad works all the time and usually when he is off, she is working.  My inlaws will be easy, they are always home in the evening so one night we could just stop over and bring dinner and poof, whip out the good news.

Ok, I'm getting way ahead of myself, first I need to confirm O, then we'll move on to testing and announcing.

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