Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I call BS- 5 wks 2 days

I always have, but now that I am pregnant I officially call BS on any woman that claims to have gotten far in her pregnancy and not know she is pregnant (like 20 + weeks, I'll be generous).  Now I know every pregnancy is different. but I am only 5 weeks and I've already got several symptoms....I cannot sit down for more than 5 minutes without falling asleep,off and on my uterus feels like someone is pumping it full of air, if I get up too quickly or even cough or sneeze I often get a cramp as if I just pulled a muscle, my acid reflux is acting up, my heart periodically races, and my nose is so sensitive I constantly have a headache from everyone's perfume and cologne at work, the kind you get when you breathe in too much cold air through your nose. 

Now if I can feel all that at 5 weeks, how in the hell can these women claim they had no idea they were 35+ weeks pregnant?  I would think that just about every woman on earth, at some point since they started having sex have thought to themselves, I'm having >insert symptom here< I wonder if I'm pregnant?  If you're having sex, protected or not, it's always a possibility and I refuse to belive these women never at least considered the notion.

Alright moving we told all of the grandparents-to-be this past weekend.  It was a lot of fun to see their faces and reactions.  My inlaws came over on Saturday, we somehow got through making and eating dinner before we gave them their picture frames.  My MIL got hers open first and I was watching her face as she read it, and you could just see the comprehension cross her face in that two or three seconds, and then she was like oooooh, we're going to have a new babe!!  She starting clapping and saying how excited she was.  My FIL was happy, but like father like son, didn't give a huge reaction.  She and I were talking about it later because I was saying how Ryan didn't react much when I told him, though I knew he wouldn't.  She said her first husband was the reactor kinda guy, she said they found out on Christmas eve and he picked her up and was dancing around the house, but she said Joe is a lot less enthusiastic, which is exactly how Ryan is.  I know they are excited, they are just not the ra-ra type people.

So we talked about baby stuff all night, she was telling Joe he has to come over and put our ceiling fan in the living room (resumably so when I am hot and huge and miserable this summer I can have some extra cool air), and Joe said he'll have to help Ryan put closet doors on in the future baby's room.  For some reason the previous owners took the closet doors with them.  My grandma gave us money to do the living room closet as part of our wedding gift because she knew how badly I wanted real closet doors before we would be having a lot of people over in the months before the wedding :)  Hopefully Joe will also paint the baby room, I of course will not be doing it, and sorry to say, Ryan is not the best painter.  Joe said he loves to paint as long as it's a completely empty room, which that will be.  Sold, the job is his!

My dad and his girlfriend and her daughter came over Sunday, it was supposedly to celebrate their belated birthdays, so when they first got there I showed my dad the shelves I made him from pinterest, then gave Brenda her gift card to a restaurant.  Then I gave my dad the frame, pretending it was just another birthday gift.  He opened it and looked at it for a minute and then looked at me and said yeah?  I said yeah....he thought maybe it just meant it was for sometime in the future, so he wanted to clarify before getting all excited.  He showed it to Brenda and she just looked at it and nodded, and he goes "I'm gonna be a grandpa"!  Suddenly she was like oooooh!  I guess she hadn't seen the grandpa part of the frame.  So then both got up and hugged us, they're really happy.

They're already talking about when they have to schedule their vacations this year so they're home around my due date and such.  They were also taking mental inventory of the baby stuff they have, I think my dad says he has two cribs at home, and can maybe get a high chair.  I don't want to come off as materialistic or snobbish, and I know we'll need all the help we can get, but when it comes to stuff for the nursery, I want new stuff.  Stuff that matches that we pick out.  I'm thrilled that my aunt gave me a bouncy thing and a swing, and some maternity clothes and Amanda said I can have a bunch of stuff.  Toys, clothes as long as they're clean, learning things, stuff like that I am cool with.  But part of being excited to be pregnant is the excitement in picking out a crib and a changing table and stroller and stuff.  I have always dreamed of a beautiful nursery, I can picture myself in the room, rocking my little one to sleep.  I don't want a room full of mis matched used crap.

Just like a bride dreams of picking out her wedding dress, I dream of a beautiful nursery for my little one.  I guess maybe that makes me a snob, but that's how I feel.  Maybe my feelings would change with a second kid, but for my first, part of picking out stuff that I love feels like my love for them...I only want the best.  So while the material aspect is definitely a huge part of the reason, the other thing is safety and cleanliness.  Certain things I want to be brand new so I know they are safe.  The idea of my precious baby sleeping in a used crib kinda icks me you just never know how completely other people put something together, how old it is to know if it's been recalled or even just worn out over the years to the point something could go wrong.  Especially a car seat, I would never ever ever accept a used car seat. 

I'll put big ticket stuff on our registry and I know my inlaws will likely want to buy us something big like the crib or glider rocker or something but if we need to we'll buy some of it ourselves.  And it's not like we've picked out super expensive stuff (yes I've been pinning baby stuff for months now).  The crib I like it only $150, I think the glider rocker is around $100, I'm not sure how much the changing table is but it is a changing table/dresser which is multi functional!  My cousin and his wife just had a baby a few months ago and their registry was insane....$400 crib, $400 travel system, $350 dresser.  Though as I recall, they're wedding registry was just as nuts. 

Eeek, I'm so excited to be able to shop.  Thankfully it's all very overwhelming or I would be tempted to do it now.  I think when the time comes, Ryan and I will go and start the registry by picking out the big things we want, like the nursery furniture, but then I'll be taking Amanda with me so she can help me with the things I really need, the things I don't need, etc.  Thank God she went first with the kids.

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