Friday, November 2, 2012


Well it's Friday and I have no period yet.  I am still feeling a little crampy, but not enough to think it could start today or even tomorrow.  I called for provera but since the doctor didn't mention it, I completely forgot they would want bloodwork to make sure I am not pregnant and to confirm whether or not I did O.  It's kind of annoying because now I have to get up somewhat earlyish and drive about an hour round trip just to get stuck with a needle.  But I get why they want to do a preg test...I am for sure not pregnant but for all they know I am an idiot who could be pregnant and about to take provera.

It will also be nice to get confirmation of whether or not I did O.  I am 98% certain I did not, but I would be leery on how long to wait to start the provera since these cramps seem to be sticking around.  Besides, I was just saying there is this home store I've been wanting to go back to, but it's kind of far to go just there.  Well it just so happens to be on my way home from my doctor, so I will be stopping there after my bloodwork :) 

I'm debating on getting a parking pass.  I wasn't going to since I figured if I don't end up needed to go as much I'd lose money.  But so far after tomorrow I will have spent $18 just to park, so I should look into one.  And hey, if I buy a parking pass and lose money on it because I get pregnant quickly and don't need to go back then it's all the more reason to buy one.  Since IF testing and treatment isn't covered and this will eventually get very expensive, I need to save all the money I can.

So I've been thinking about taking a winter tennis clinic.  I probably would have liked to anyway, but since I am really really hoping I will be too pregnant next summer to play in my usual class, I want to play as much as I can before then.  Knowing me the second I get pregnant I will be afraid to play.  I hope not to be that paranoid pregnant lady, but seriously after a loss and T-TTC you'd have to be in the minority if you don't worry about things like that.  I'm hoping I will mellow out after the first few weeks and live my life...safely of course, but not being crazy over cautious. 

My choices in tennis classes are a 5 week long clinic...that would be fun, but it's only 1 hour, one day a week for $110.  That's a lot of money for just 5 hours of tennis.  My other option is a cardio class, it's one day a week for an hour but it's only $19 per class, so I can go when I feel like it/have money.  Of course if I played 5 weeks of that, it's only $15 less than the 5 week session, but less is less.  Besides, going when I feel like it and paying for each class is much more appealing than knowing I have to go to each class, 5 weeks in a row or I will lose money.  The problem is it is taught by the ONLY instructor there that I don't like.  She's lazy, instead of hitting the ball to you for drills, she tosses them.  I am pretty sure she is the reason I pulled something in my shoulder...swinging to hit a ball with speed that was hit to me is surely going to be different than the way I swing to hit a slow, lobbing ball that was tossed to me. 

But, I guess I could try a class or two and if she really bugs me again I'll just stop going, but if I can tolerate her I'll go.  I'm just really sad about possibly not being able to play next summer.  I love tennis, I love my coach and I love most of the people I play with.  Aside from a new face here and there, or a missing face here and there it's been the same people every summer since I started in 2009 so it's fun to catch up and see my friends every summer.  But, I will be even more sad if I am not pregnant by June and can play again.  Ugh, that makes me really depressed to think about.  Well at least I am FB friends with my coach and a couple players, so if I can't play next summer they'll know why, and not think I just didn't want to play. 

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