Thursday, November 8, 2012

We have lift off!

I got crosshairs this morning!!!!  I'm so happy, I woke up like a kid on Christmas morning to check my temp.  Normally I temp and go right back to sleep and then check the log later to record it.  But this morning I checked it, knew automatically that it was high enough for Chs and even got up to enter it info FF.  I went back to bed of course, but I think the only thing that would actually keep me out of bed would be a positive HPT.

So with the positive OPKs, the cramping on Monday and the CHs, I think it's pretty safe to say that I definitely did O.  But I will still be going in on Monday for bloodwork to confirm.  Mostly because I need all the confirmation I can get, but also because I of course want my fertility doctor to be aware that I did O.  There are likely instructions I need from there, like when they'll want me to test and come in for betas if positive.  I know many women have one miscarriage and go on to have healthy pregnancies, but if there is an issue like low progesterone or something, I'd want to know as soon as possible so maybe something can be done.

The dull, all over cramps are back today.  It's just kind of a mild, heavy feeling cramps, like the ones you might get several days away from your period.  I am not sure what they might mean...if if I end up not to be pregnant, I'm only 3DPO, so I doubt it would be my period trying to start this early.  But I guess stuff is just happening in there so it's going to cause some feelings.  Hopefully that stuff was fertilization and getting ready to make its way down the tube to implant in several days.

I've also been very tired....the last few days I have not been able to keep my eyes open at work, especially in the afternoon.  Then normally I have to read for a little while before bed so I can fall asleep easier.  The last several nights I haven't read at all, I just went right to bed and fell asleep almost as soon as my head hitting the pillow.  However this could be attributed to a few things....1. everyone is complaining about time change and how they have been extra tired.  I'm not really sure why it would affect things, it was only an hour and we got an extra hour at that, and it was several days ago.  But who knows, maybe even the smallest change in time can mess with our internal clocks.

2. I was taking a once-a-week vitamin D pill, that's how powerful they are, you can only take them once a week.  You take them for two months and then switch to a daily vitamin.  So just switching from the weekly to daily alone might be making me less energized, and I've only been taking one rather than the two I am supposed to take.  I'll start taking the second one now, I just thought if I could get away with it, less pills would be nice.  I already take more meds than most senior citizens.  I take a daily prental, I take 1.5 pills of synthroid, I take 3 pills a day of metformin, two pills a day of fish oil, one pill a day of biotin and the two a day for vitamind D.  That's 10.5 pills a day!!!  I know they are all necessary, except maybe the biotin, I don't HAVE to take the biotin, but I refuse to go back to thinning hair and breakage so that I can reduce my pill count down to 9.5 pills a day.

3. Just having ovulated could be making me more tired.  I am not sure if that is a symptom of ovulation or not, but it makes sense, it's a big change taking place in your body and this is only the second time for sure that I have experienced it since we began TTC so of course it would throw me for a loop.  All I know for sure is it definitely isn't a pregnancy symptom because it is way too early for that.

Not sure why this popped in my head, but I came to the decision that I would like our kids to call my dad's girlfriend grammy.  In the beginning I was adament about her not having any title at all.  Not because I disliked her...I never disliked her as a person but at first I was very uncomfortable with the idea of my dad having a girlfriend.  Over time I softened a bit, and realized she will treat our kids as if they were her own flesh and blood grandkids, and to our kids she will be the only grandma on my side that they ever know, so she is definitely deserving of a title.  My mom would have been the traditional "grandma' so of course I don't want Brenda to be called that, and I was actually very against her having any grandma sounding title, so I tried coming up with something.  I eventually settled on Oma, which means grandma in both Dutch (my heritage) and German (my husband's heritage). 

But I've since had another revelation.  Like I said, I know she will be an amazing grandma to my kids, and I can keep my mom's memory alive by telling them about her, showing them pictures, taking them to the cemetery, etc.  Brenda won't be replacing my mom, she'll just be yet another person to love my kids.  How can that be a bad thing?  So I am very comfortable now with's not grandma, but it's still an honorable title.

Oye, I need to stop obsessing though.  Like I said, positive thoughts are good, but already going over every detail of getting a positive test is going a little overboard.  I know I will be very dissapointed either way if this cycle is a bust, but deluding myself into an alternate reality is not good.  I've just got to try to take it one day at a time, and for right now just look forward to having my bloodwork done on Monday.

I'm wondering, if this cycle is a bust, what we'll do differntly next cycle.  I am pretty sure upping my metformin is what made me O, albeit later than I would have liked.  I saw my doctor last Tuesday and began taking my increased synthroid dose on Wednesday.  So that means I only had 3 days of the increased dose before my body started gearing up to O, so I highly doubt that had any impact.  So if this cycle doesn't work out, maybe since I have been on the increased doze of synthroid longer, it will help me not only O again, but O at an earlier time.  I would even be happy with CD20-25, but CD34 is a tad late for my impatient butt....but of course very grateful for it at all. 

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