Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Beta #2-3 wks 6 days

I thought taking an FRER this morning and seeing the nice dark line would calm my nerves today as I wait for my second beta results, but it hasn't.  I am so nervous, I've got butterflies in my stomach and I swear my cramps are a little stronger today.  That could be from nerves, anytime I get very nervous or fired up mad about something my cramps seem to intensify.  Or it could be from the Crinone, I started it yesterday.  I don't know if they would set in so fast, but it was one of the side effects.

I've already ran to the bathroom twice this morning, worried and I've only been at work for 2.5 hours.  I play this little mind game...when I am nervous about going, I can't just pull down my pants and go...I do it slowly, like peeking for blood.  I guess somehow I feel like it won't hurt as bad if I slowly look rather than just do it like normal and see something.  But doing it this way, my mind often plays tricks on me.  I wore a full pad today because I am not sure how messy this Crinone is going to be.  As I am "peeking" to go to the bathroom, I spot something light colored around the edge of the pad....whew, it's just stupid little orange designs all around the edge.  I'm fine with them decorating the box or even the wrapper.  But why does the pad itself need decorations?  It's certainly not going to look pretty after normal use. 

I'm betting it will be another hour at least before I get a call, or it could be as late as this afternoon if they are really busy.  Oh please call soon, I don't know how much longer I can take this anxiety, my stomach feels like it's twisted in knots.  If I calculated correctly, my beta needs to be at least 120 today.  FX for excellent numbers!

Update: Betas are in, 207!!  Whew, I can breathe again.  That gives me about a 34.45 hour doubling time.  My next draw is on Saturday. 

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