Friday, July 12, 2013

Dream-4 wks 2 days

All along when I was pregnant with Kayla I had such a strong feeling she was a boy.  But a few weeks before my anatomy scan I had a dream that we had the scan, and had the results in an envelope and when we opened it, it said Girl!  It was the only inkling I had of a girl, every other "gut" feeling was totally boy.  Obviously my gut was wrong.

This time, I can't really say I have a feeling one way or the other.  If I had to make a guess, I would say girl but I think that might just be because we were in girl mode.  Last night I dreamed that we had the scan and I had to open and box, and inside was a "boy" type ornament....hmm, I wonder if this dream will prove to be right too.

I am glad it is not up to us to decide the sex, I would never be able to.  Somedays I want a girl so bad I can taste it, and other days I really want a boy.  I heard this theory, I don't even know what it's called or if there is any truth to it.  The theory is that you can tell the sex by which side of the baby the placenta (or is it the sac, I'm still fuzzy on that) is on.  I'm still really not sure which side means what, but I am anxious to get my 6 week ultrasound and compare it to Kayla's and see if they are the same, and then see if that theory was right, along with my dream. 

I have a lot of pgal moments, but I am so thankful I can still have moments here and there that I am filled with excitement and hope.

1 comment:

  1. It's called the Ramzi theory. It worked for us but you have to ask the ultrasound tech specifically what side the placenta is on and not depend on the ultrasound picture. Glad you are doing well and enjoying this special time. GL to you!!
