Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Boo-Berry-7 wks

I am 7 weeks today, so Boo is the size of a blueberry....or Boo-Berry cereal.  Man, I want some now.  My big craving with Kayla was Cap'n Crunch with Crunch Berries, but I forsee eating a lot of Boo-Berry this fall.

So I survived the EDD and the balloon release we had on Saturday was really nice.  We all wrote messages on our balloons, then we gathered around and our friend Dan said a few words, then we released them.  Everyone had pink balloons, and Ryan and I each had a pink and a purple but my purple one got stuck in the one branch that was hanging over, as did my neice's balloon.  But before we left the wind freed both of them so they floated off to Heaven as well :)

I love random funny moments in an otherwise sad situation.  My FIL had to run my neice home since she couldn't stay for the BBQ, so my MIL hitched a ride with us back to our house.  We knew the side gate of the cemetery was closed, so we went out the front.  As we were driving down the side street that runs along the side, we saw several of our friends and family driving to the side gate, and turning around when they realized it was locked.  They all looked like rats in a maze trying to find their way out, so we honked and waved on the way by and we were all cracking up, lol.

Once back home, I had to run around getting last minute food prep done.  I don't know if it's because I haven't been hosting that long, but I am always such a frazzled mess when things aren't ready for company.  I don't know why, it's not like all of our friends and family are regular Martha Stewarts.  Every single time I go to someone's house for a gathering, we never eat by the time they planned, stuff is still being prepped when we get there, but they all manage to look cool as a cucumber.  They sit and chat while they finish stuff up or they hand out jobs.  But I am an anxious mess when it's our turn to host and things aren't ready.

But it went well, the food was great and the rain held off most of the day, and when it did finally pour people just came in the house and the men holed up in the garage.  It was nice to be amongst friends and family, rather than sitting around moping. 


  1. That was such a beautiful way to honor Kayla. I'm glad you were able to celebrate her life and spend time with friends and family on that special day :)

  2. What a beautiful way to spend such a hard day. HUGS!
