Sunday, October 30, 2016

Capture your grief, day 29

29. GIVE AWAY YOUR LOVE | One of my greatest healers when it comes to mending my own broken heart has been sharing kindness with strangers. Today you are invited to perform an act of kindness. Spread kindness wherever you go today. In all your interactions, be an example of love and compassion and see if it helps your heart. You are welcome to share what you did or you can keep it private and just share how it made you feel. It is completely up to you.

To people who don't know me well, they might think I am pretty tough on the outside.  I am very opinionated and my opinions are not always sugar and spice, I have a huge vocabulary of cuss words and things to yell at people in traffic, and my sense of humor is often on the darker, sarcastic, mean side.  But honestly, I have a heart of gold and nothing makes me more happy than doing things for others, and seeing them happy.

I wouldn't say I am a people pleaser, because in a lot of cases I truly don't care what people think of me.  But I really do love to do kind things.  If I were a millionaire, I would love to just go around paying for people's things and spreading happiness.  I didn't leave the house today, so I suppose I didn't spread any cheer but I can say that when I do, it makes me feel warm inside.  Yeah yeah, the cliche "warm fuzzy feeling".  But it's true.  Despite feeling like I sometimes drew the short stick of life, I really have been very blessed in my life, and I like to see others receiving blessings as well.

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