Tuesday, September 10, 2013

NT scan, second tri!- 13 wks

My NT scan went great, I was a little nervous once we got close to the hospital, but I think that is just a conditioned response my body does; having heard the HB last night was a huge reassurance.

Boo was laying on his/her face at first, so the tech said later she thought I was going to be one of those one hour patients where the kid does not cooperate.  But he/she turned over like a champ and we were done within 5 minutes.  Kayla's didn't take long either, I make cooperative babies :)

The tech didn't tell me the measurement but she said everything looked great, and the doctor later told me it was 1.5 which if I remember right, was the same as Kayla, which is good.  Anything 3 and above warrants additional testing.

It took forever to see the doctor, which is not the norm there, but I at least still got into work half an hour before I said I would, so all is well.  Doc said I can skip the three hour glucose, which is amazing news.  I so was not looking forward to that.  She said since it hasn't been long since I had it last time, we can just assume I am, and I start the diet tomorrow.  I feel ready....I've been trying for the last few weeks, but I have trouble being serious about anything until I know IT'S TIME.  I'm headed to the grocery store after work to stock up on carb friendly foods and I'm excited about sticking to it and losing weight from here on out.  I'm also seeing the nutritionist in a couple weeks which I am happy about, I could use a refresher on the numbers and I have a few questions.

I asked my doctor for clarification about bed rest....specifically why taking weight off the cervix wouldn't help.  She said you would think it would, but there just isn't enough information to prove that it does.  But she did say if my cervix were to start to shorten, she would take me out of work if that's what would make me comfortable and that seriously lifted most of my worries about any decisions to go on bed rest.

Clearly she isn't a fan of it, and I don't think I would put myself on strict bed rest just to try to avoid the pitfalls of it, but knowing she would be supportive of my not working if it would come to that makes my decision for the worst case scenario that much better.

She also cleared us for our Vegas trip, so I can go ahead and book our trip tonight.  She thought it was weird, lol....wondered why of anywhere we want to go to Vegas.  I really don't care where we go, I want to go someplace warm, in the US (considered Mexico but decided being in a foreign country with a high risk pregnancy, just two weeks from the point when we lost Kayla wasn't a good idea), and away from here.  Besides neither of us are big gambling people; I like the slots and I'll play them a bit, but mostly we just plan to get away, maybe see some shows, eat some good food (but not too good, erg dieting while on vacation is tough) and she also cleared us to take a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon which I am soooo excited about, and she also thought was weird, haha.

The only thing that concerns me is I mentioned being short of breathe when I first get out of bed.  She said that can happen later in pregnancy, but it concerns her some that I'm having it this early so she wants me to go for an Echocardiogram.  I'm not sure if I explained it right....obviously through out the day you don't have to think about breathing, you just do it.  I get winded going upstairs but I think that's normal for being overweight and pregnant....but in the morning, it's almost like I have to make a conscious effort to breathe, otherwise I don't and then end up having to kind of gasp a little.  I don't feel great for the first 10-15 minutes that I am up, but the worst of it is right when I get out of bed, like the time it takes me to get out of bed and walk out of the room.

Since I've had a ton of appts this month, I'm going to try to wait and schedule the Echo in October.  Hopefully it's nothing big and I just get every pregnancy symptom early.  Oh, and I am officially in the second trimester!!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for being in the 2nd trimester! Glad the NT scan went well and you are skipping the 3 hour test. I had to take it during my last pregnancy and it was awful.
