Friday, August 23, 2013

A prune- 10 wks

Double digits today!!  Boo is now the size of a prune.  I can't wait to get home and take my weekly picture, even though I am not showing yet.  I LOVE having my weekly pics from Kayla.  I think I need to get a full length mirror for the back of the nursery door.  Since the room is done now, I had set up the tripod in the nursery so I could have a clean room to take my pics in (our room is a tad bit messy, I decided I don't want piles of my clothes in the backgrounds this time).  But for some reason I look better in the cell phone pics.  Maybe I freeze up while waiting for the self timer thing to go off on my regular camera.

I've been dying for my new pregnancy week to start, since it got delayed by two days becase the u/s showed I am measuring two days behind.  But with Kayla I never had a 9-10 week u/s so I probably should have just kept the due date I calculated until I get my official one at my NT scan.  Oh well, I'm not going back now.  So now it's March 21st....we're creeping very close to Kayla's angelversary.  What would be the freaking odds if Boo is born on the exact same day?  And weirder still, my inlaws will have 8 grandkids and that would make 3 of them born on the same day.

I wore a maternity shirt to work today.  It's the kind with the roushing on the side, so no one can tell, or at least I hope not.   I kind of like having this little secret at work; I am in no rush to tell.  I have my three close friends (and my boss) that know at work and that's it, and I know they won't tell anyone.  I'm really curious how long I can keep it under wraps.  I think I am good for another month anyway.  Then after that I am curious who, if anyone will ask since I seriously doubt I will be formally announcing before 25-30 weeks.  Nobody better ask....because since I am, if I wanted people to know I would tell them.  But if I weren't pregnant, I would imagine that would hurt a lot after my loss if we were having a hard time again.  But people are dumb and have no common sense.

We're retaking our family pics with Ryan's family tomorrow, and my dad wants them done for our side this fall.  I'm thinking I'll have to figure out where to stand to hide my belly by then.  I would assume he'll use these pics for his Christmas cards, and I don't think I want to announce to everyone until Christmas or a little after so they can't really be seeing my bump in the picture.  Which will be hard because I am short and usually in the front, but someone will just have to kneel down so I can stand behind them.

Three and a half more hours till the weekend!  I was going to get my 1 hour glucose test done tomorrow but I think I need to sleep in.  For the past week or two I've started getting up about an hour early to use the bathroom and then going back to bed, but last night I was up at 1am to pee and chug some milk (which I did last time, I was always dying of thirst in the middle of the night and only wanted milk) and again around 5.  So I'm assuming my "two a nights" are beginning.  Next Saturday should be less busy, I'll get up early and go do it then.  Though I do have to pee in a jug all day on Sunday and drop it off at the lab Monday morning.  Sigh, I did not miss the 24 hour urine collection at all....but at least I don't have to do it on a holiday this year.

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