Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thankful Thursdays- 11 wks 1 day (angel pictures below)

 *** Below is a picture of my angel, if you think seeing her will be upsetting, please bypass this entry***

I just wanted to take a minute from my bitching and whining to talk about a few things I am thankful for.  I know this pregnancy started out with a bang and some scary things.  The bleeding, and then the shakey betas, and having the super early ultrasound and only seeing the sack, and then my trip to the ER.

But by this point in my pregnancy with Kayla, I was approaching my fourth episode of bleeding.  In a perfect world I would have no bleeding, but it was definitely better to have the bleeding very early on than have to deal with it every few weeks and into the second trimester.  I still have moments of course, and my real worry will start in several weeks, but I am so thankful to not have the worry of the constant bleeding this time.

I hate being high risk, but I am so thankful for my doctors and the excellent care that I have and will receive.  It's very stressful to worry about what my cervix might do, but I do feel like I am in the best care that I can get, and I know my doctors all truly care about me and Boo's well-being and will make sure everything is done to get him or her here safely.

Finally, I am thankful for this website I found.  It's called, and it's a digital studio sponsoring The Angel Pics project.  They retouch up to two pictures per person, completely for free.  They do ask that only babies born at 33 weeks gestation or higher be submitted, and Kayla was born at 22.  But I figured it was worth a shot, the worst they could say is no we can't do it.  So I submitted her picture late last night, and it was finished tonight.  I'm very happy with it, it's so beautiful and my precious baby totally looks like she's just off in dreamland.  They did have to change her nose a tiny bit and maybe her mouth a little, but the bruising is completely gone and I'm so happy to have a picture of my baby that doesn't remind me of what pain she may have been in.  We've always planned to tell Boo, and any other children we have, about Kayla.  But it never dawned on me before that it would be difficult to show a young child most of her pictures.  But this is definitely a picture we can share with future children.

Here is the orginal picture we submitted.

Here is the retouched one


  1. She's beautiful either way, but I'm glad they were willing to do that for you and you have a picture you feel comfortable showing Boo.

  2. She is beautiful. So glad you have a picture of her to always remember her by and to show Boo. Keeping you in my thoughts!
