Thursday, August 8, 2013

ER- 8 wks 1 day

Ugh, what a day I had yesterday.  First of all, everything is ok.

So I went to bed Tuesday night feeling mostly ok, a little nauseas but not enough to take a Zofran.  I woke up an hour later feeling terrible; I had this horrible hollow ache in the middle of my chest, I needed to throw up so badly but I just couldn't.  For the next three hours I woke up every hour and sat in front of the toilet but to no avail.  Finally around 3 am I threw up and thought I could sleep the rest of the night in peace.

Nope.  I woke up at 5 with a terrible pain in my side.  It felt like an organ was about to burst out of my body.  Since I have no idea where my appendix is, I was afraid it was that....then I got very worried that if it was my appendix and I needed surgery, would that affect Boo?  I tried to sit up in bed but that made it hurt even worse.  Now I am NOT an ER person.  I don't know how many times I've had a bad headache or earache or something and my husband has asked if I need to go to the ER and I always said no.  But I knew I needed to go.

So I woke Ryan up and told him I needed to go.  So we get there and as usual (I've been to that ER twice before for my back) the waiting room was virtually empty so I got in within 15 minutes.  They took a urine sample and then came to talk to me.  Once the doctor told me my appendix was no where near my pain, I was quite sure I was just dehydrated and I wasn't surprised to hear that I also had a UTI.  So the nurse came to do bloodwork and get an IV in me, but my usual cooperative veins were being anything but with no liquid in my body.  So she stabbed my arm a few times and then tried my hand.  Oh my God, please go get someone else to try before you do my hand.  That hurt like a mother.

It didn't help that she kept the needle in, kept pushing on my hand, and kept moving the needle around before she finally gave up.  So another nurse came and got it in my other arm.  So I got a bag of fluids, an rx for antibiotics and we were on our way.  I think we were there for about two hours....I love Oakwood and all, but I'm quite certain we would have waited in the ER for at least two hours before even being taken back.

They also gave me zofran in my IV, so by the time we left I was feeling much better, but very sleepy since I had been up most the night.  So we got some breakfast and then I went back to bed for several hours and had a wonderful sleep with my kitty.  After that we ran a few errands to get my rx and get lunch (which I barely touched) and laid around.  My diarhhea was still bad all day though, I must have ran to the toilet about 20 times.  I'm thinking that is a separate issue from the morning sickness though because my dad said something is going around and he and my brother also aren't feeling well.

I only got up twice last night, so that's better, but still I'm hoping this diarhhea clears up soon.  I'd like to get a full nights sleep before I get too far along and it gets uncomfortable...which happens insanely early I was surprised to discover last time.  I think it is getting better though, I've only been to the bathroom for that once since I've been at work and my stomach isn't making all the crazy gurgly noises it was yesterday.  Of course I am sure my diet of saltine crackers has helped some.  I REALLY shouldn't have had that chicken plank and hush puppy from Long John Silvers for lunch yesterday.  It was such a small meal I thought it would be ok, but likely was not good for already upset tummy.

So I was really stressing about work yesterday because of all the work I've been missing.  I went home at 12 on Monday because of my MS, came in three hours late Tuesday for my appointment, called off yesterday, oh and I overslept twice last week and was 15 minutes, and 30 minutes late.  I mean, I know my boss knows I'm pregnant and obviously I cannot help that I am so sick this time.  But I worry his patience are growing thin.  He's only been my boss since January so he has never had me for an employee when I wasn't pregnant and/or grieving and missing a lot of work.  He doesn't know that when I am not under unusual circumstances, my typical call off pattern is like once every few months where as lately it's been once a month or more frequent.

But, I decided I cannot worry about what I cannot control.  My doctor does not have late hours, I cannot help that I have appointments during work hours.  I cannot help that I am sick this time, I am sure there are days where I can power through, but honestly being nauseas and throwing up at work is horrible and I had the time so I took it.  And I certainly cannot help that I was throwing up and had diarhhea so bad that I got majorly dehydrated and got a UTI.  Dehydration can be dangerous for the baby and I wasn't about to go to work and ignore it.

I'm doing the best I can, which is all I can do.  His personal opinion may be that I am a slacker, or that I am someone who always has "issues", but that doesn't impact the fact that I likely won't get fired for being pregnant and sick and needing time off for appointments.  Sure I might not get the most wonderful glowing review this year, but again, I cannot control that.  I do the best job I can do when I am here and that is all I can do.  My health and the health of my baby is number one priority right now.  And if worst case scenario they were to decide I'm missing too much work, then we do have a back up plan for that if I were to lose my job or couldn't work for whatever reason, like bed rest.  It's not ideal, but we'll make it work.

It's very liberating to let go of worries you cannot control. 

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