Wednesday, August 14, 2013

So sleepy-9 wks

I was reading some older posts from when I was pregnant with Kayla and I realized I often didn't say how far along I was, so I've decided to go back through (no clue when I'll get around to finishing) and label my titles. 

So, I'm exhausted, but at least it wasn't as bad as yesterday.  We've been busy lately so I haven't been getting my naps.  I was tired enough Monday night to go to bed at 10 but for some reason stayed up until 12:30.  My husband came to bed with me, but he napped a lot earlier and couldn't sleep.  It's very rare that he can't sleep so when it happens he likes to bug me and talk and yack about how he's not sleepy.  So I didn't fall asleep till like 1:30.  I could not keep my eyes open yesterday, it was horrible.  I haven't had much work to do lately and what I do have is pretty dull, boring work so it makes falling asleep at my desk even easier.

I fell asleep on the couch last night around 9:30 and then got up and went straight to bed around 11, but I don't feel much more rested today.  But at least I am not dozing off.  I was sooo cold this morning, I shivered all through out my hot shower and even snuggled into my fleece robe as soon as I got out.  The weather has been pretty fall like and we still had our air on this morning.  What I wouldn't have given to have been able to go back to bed, get warm and go back to sleep.  I even used the bun warmers on the drive to work this morning....partly because it's a new feature I've never had before, but I was cold!

I had the best lunch today....I normally only get subway when I am trying to avoid grease, or can't think of anything else to get.  I like it, it's ok, but I rarely ever WANT subway.  Well today I really wanted a tuna sub, like very very badly.  I also decided to splurge and get cookies and milk.  I'm trying to eat well when I can, but with being sick, having food aversions and being too tired to cook, it hasn't resulted in the healthiest meals lately.  But I figure I've just got a few more weeks before I'll be diagnosed with GD, so I might as well live it up while I can. 

Mmm, and my lunch did not dissapoint, the tuna was amazing and the cookies and milk were great of course.  It's the little things in life.  But I deserved it after yesterday's sucky lunch.  I had to go to the bank to get the casheir's checks for the cars, so while I was out I picked up a chicken salad.  I get all the way back to work, I'm starving, open up my salad....and no ranch!  Nobody had any I could swipe either.  Ok, I know this is such a "first world problem" (I hate that term, it really bugs me) but I hate hate hate when you don't get what you ordered from carry out.  Of all of the trivial, silly problems in the world, I think this is the worst one you can get.  Eating dry chicken fingers and dry veggies was not satisfying whatsoever.  But I will say, it wasn't as bad as the time I got a baked potato from Wendy's and they didn't give me any butter or sour cream.  I could choke down the dry salad, but a dry potato?  No....just no.

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